Together For Plastic Net Zero
What we do
Seabin filters microplastics and plastic pollution from our waterways, preventing it from entering our oceans and our bodies
our purpose
Why we do it
of plastics are in the ocean today
have microplastic particles in their blood
emissions are expected to double in Australia by 2025
Plastic pollution is in the top 5 nature crisis's. Millions of tonnes of plastic pollution enters our oceans each year causing devastating impact to all life under water and on the planet. Plastic is now found in our bodies and linked to cancer. Plastic pollution also poses a signficant financial risk to economies like tourism, fishing and the consumer packaged goods sector from branded litter entering the environment leading to product bans and legal action.
our purpose
Why we do it
The Seabin system is simple. We deploy Seabins in plastic pollution hotspots in cities like Sydney, Australia
We capture microplastics and plastic pollution daily. We then process the data for monitoring and reporting purposes. To create revenue, we sell the impact data to companies for sustainability reporting purposes, or to help reach plastic net positive. As a company, Seabin has evolved into an innovative smart cities program and financial model, where we still use our technology to monitor plastic pollution.
marine pollution
Marine pollution poses a critical threat to our oceans, impacting marine life and ecosystems worldwide. Seabin is committed to combating this issue through innovative technology. Our automated floating rubbish bins operate continuously to filter marine debris, including plastics and microplastics, from the water's surface.
seabin capture
Seabin captures marine litter effectively with its innovative design and technology. Deployed in marinas and harbours, each unit operates 365 days capturing floating litter such as plastics, oils, and microplastics from the water's surface. Capable of holding up to 20kgs Seabins play a crucial role in reducing marine pollution. The Seabins are equipped with a filtration system that efficiently collects waste while allowing clean water to pass through, minimising environmental impact.
Servicing is crucial to maintain a Seabins' optimal performance and to ensure effective capture of marine litter. During servicing, the unit is switched off, taken out of the water and pressure washed to remove marine fouling like barnacles and other organisms. Operational checks are done to test the pump, catch net, and plunger mechanism.
data & reporting
Data and reporting are vital for transparency in environmental efforts including monitoring plastic pollution. Each Seabin's marine debris catch is analysed, integrating variables like rainfall and wind patterns to understand litter origins. Our current data, research, and reporting aim to inform communities and stakeholders while serving as a credible resource for effective marine litter prevention.

Since July 2020, we've captured over



of marine litter from sydney harbour

and filtered more than



litres of water for microplastics and litter

in 2023 we collected



plastic items including 2.3M microplastics

Doing good for nature is good for business
By purchasing Nature Certificates today, you're kickstarting your plastic net positive journey by doing more for nature
The Top 3 Benefits of promoting your purchase of Nature Certificates are:


increase sales close rate


attract higher quality talent


enhance brand reputation

Market differentiation
Stand out from the competitors by leading in sustainability and transparency
ESG reporting
Enhanced Environmental, Socal, and Governance (ESG) reporting with credible and transparent impact date from Seabin's public-facting Sydney pilot
customer trust
Build customer trust and loyalty through verified environmental impact, driving sales and long-term growth
regulatory compliance
Meet current future regulatory requirements for plastic waste management and nature-related disclosures
Included in the pack
  • Your Digital Nature Certificate
  • A Claims Guide
  • How to promote your impact guide
  • Integrity and methadology document
  • "Nature Certificate x Seabin" logos
  • Social media images
  • Social media videos
  • An email signature logo
"Park Hyatt Sydney was extremely proud to become part of the Seabin Smart City Program in Sydney Harbour in May 2023. Not only do we sponsor a Seabin unit at Sydney Wharf, we also provide the Seabin team with accomodation during their work in Sydney. This partnership between Seabin and Park Hyatt aligns with our sustainability goals and our mission to reduce ocean plastic"
john morabito
director of human resources park hyatt sydney
"The 'Roche Seabin' was installed at King Street Wharf in March 2023, just a stone's throw from Roche Australia's Pharmaceutical Headquarters at The Bond, adding to the existing network of Seabins in the waters around Australia, working to clean up our oceans. We are thrilled to see the immediate impact of our sponsorship with over 450,000 pieces of plastic collected by the Roche Seabin and removed from Sydney Harbour in its first 9 months. Sustainability is integral to our business at Roche and we are proud to sponsor Seabin and really excited about the potential broader impact of our partnership going forward."
kate roberts
corporate affairs and roche seabin partner lead
"Oris is extremely proud to be part of the Seabin Smart City Program in Sydney Harbour. We came on board as Unit Sponsors in March 2023, it has been rewarding to see the impact our partnership is having with the Oris sponsored Seabin collecting over 20,000 plastic items from the Sydney Harbour alone. This aligned partnership with Seabin is very important to Oris and an integral part of our mission to reduce ocean plastic and educate our consumers about the issues we are facing."
peter borghouts
managing director oris australia
Explore our impact
Annual Impact Report 2023
Data Monitoring, Prevention, Community & Clean-up
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